
The Specialization School in Historical and Artistic Heritage at the University of Florence, established in the 2008-2009 academic year, is one of the teaching units of the School of Humanities and Education (formerly the Faculty of Humanities). It aims to deepen scientific knowledge in the field of art-historical disciplines and provide professional skills to protect, conserve and enhance artistic heritage.

At the end of the course, a diploma of specialisation in historical-artistic heritage with an indication of the chosen curriculum is awarded. Currently, the School's diploma is a requirement for admission to public competitions for art historian officials at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

The School is accessed through an admission competition that includes a written and an oral test.

The course has a legal duration of two years, in which the course load is 650 hours, including lectures, tutorials, and internships. Exercises at museums and institutions, visits to exhibitions and historical monuments, and specialised lectures enrich course programs.

The School uses faculty members from the University of Florence and other universities, specialists in the field, civil servants, and distinguished scholars.

The managing bodies of the School are the Council and the Director.

Prof. Stella Sonia Chiodo is the Director elected for the four-year term 2020-2024.

The Council comprises the faculty members who teach at the School and three student representatives.

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