Online Services

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Online Service

Some professors (although it is not compulsory) upload learning material on Moodle.

Moodle is an e-learning online platform in which you can sign up for the courses and receive the learning materials that the professor may choose to upload.

 In order to register on Moodle you need your student number (matricola) and password.

In order to check the courses selected please log in to Moodle, enter the name of the course selected and click on “cerca”.

Taking the exams

In each term, after the end of the classes you have the possibility to take the relative exams.

The main examination sessions are:

the winter one in January-February

the summer one in June - July

In order to register for an exam, you have to go to the online services where you can also check all your personal academic records. 

Note: if you fail to register for an exam, no mark will be recorded even if you actually take the exam. 

By inserting your matricola and your password, you can see the dates on which you can sit the exam and you can register for it (from two weeks until three days before).

Click here for further information.

Finally, we would like you to note that you cannot use Moodle to register for an exam.  Moodle is used only to doenload documents and/or texts that the professor wants to share with the students or upload homework.

Last update



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