Since AY 2011/2012, the evaluation of teaching by students has taken place online and applies to all the subjects of the study programs regulated under M.D. 509/1999 and M.D. 270/2004.
The online procedure is intended to make teaching evaluation by attending students easier and more accessible, to increase considerably the number of completed questionnaires compared to the paper system.
Evaluation by attending students, introduced in 1999 (Law 370/1999), is one of the benchmarks that contribute to quantifying the premium share of the standard fund allocated to universities (Law 1/2009).
Through an application made by SIAF (University Information System), students can evaluate (by logging in with their credentials) the subject offered through a questionnaire divided into five sections:
Based on the answers given to two initial filter questions (respectively, the indication of the lecturer to whom the evaluations refer--to be chosen from a list of lecturers responsible for the subject as of the academic year of admission--and the percentage of attendance at classes), a different subset of questions will be proposed to the student, from among all those provided. To the 18 set questions, the same for all Programs, Schools may add 5 questions to meet specific assessment needs. Subject evaluations are in no way associated with those who provided them.
Data from the questionnaires filled out by students are processed by the Research Group on Evaluation and Monitoring of Policies and Services of the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications "G. Parenti" (DISIA) at agreed deadlines. The Research Group will process the results, publish them online and forward them to the Evaluation Support Office for transmission to the Ministry by 30 April each year. The data sent to the Ministry will be those updated after the last transfer in December each year; however, the subjects evaluation system will remain open after that for students taking exams at a later date.
The scientific coordinator of the teaching evaluation is Bruno Bertaccini.
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