Stage Completing an internship
Completing an internship
From the day after the internship completion date, the following questionnaires must be completed on St@ge Online Services:
- Trainee (student) questionnaire
- University tutor questionnaire
- Company tutor questionnaire
- Final report (by the company tutor only after completion of the three questionnaires)
In addition, the company tutor completes Form F: Certificate of completion of the Internship.
The internship identification code, to be reported on Form F, is indicated in the Training Project and can be obtained with the "View Project for Printing" command.
After the online procedure:
Humanities Area: the students send the Internship Diary and Form F duly completed and signed to the Internship Service
Students in the PROGEAS and Performing Arts courses should refer to the Internship Service of the Prato Campus for the conclusion of the Internship.
Area of Education: delivery of Form F and all the required documentation for the internship verbalization should be done according to the instructions on the web pages of the individual courses under Stage/Internships to the university tutor.