Contact US:
Telephone office hours: Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon
Via Laura n. 48, 50121, Florence - 1st floor, Room AS2
For the PROGEAS and Performing Arts curriculum PROSMART study programs: Prato PIN Campus Internship Service.)
For any changes in public hours or non-standard closures, information is posted in the news section of the School’s homepage.
The School’s Internship Office manages curricular internships at the administrative and regulatory levels for its students.
The internship is carried out at affiliated Entities or Institutions after the signing of the agreement between the University (promoting party) and the Entity/Institution (hosting party). For each internship, there is a training project that describes the training objectives, the references of the intern, the educational mentor and the business mentor and defines the internship’s type, duration and modalities.
For students, doctoral, postgraduate or professional master students at the University of Florence. It has an educational purpose, as a period of school/work alternation included in the study plan or within a university education, during which the trainee retains the status of student, doctoral student, postgraduate student, or enrolled in a master’s program. The internship may also be for purposes other than acquiring university credits (CFUs), as long as it is carried out as part of a study path. The internship duration is proportionate to the number of CFUs provided in the study plan and cannot exceed 12 months.
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