Students who are exposed to specific risks, such as in laboratories, for occupational safety are equated with workers and, therefore, must be equally informed and trained and, like employees, have the same obligations regarding occupational safety (reference Legislative Decree 81/2008 Consolidated Law on the Protection of the Health and Safety of Workers in the Workplace).
Successful completion of the Workplace Safety Training Course is mandatory for attendance in courses in the School of Humanities and Education that include access to laboratories, exercises at internal or external facilities, and for the conduct of internships.
In particular:
If the internship takes place at an external institution: the part of the training to be completed with the University is only the general training, while the host institution must provide the specific training part.
If the internship takes place at a University facility: general training must be followed by specific training. The specific training course will have the content and duration corresponding to the risks present in the activity performed and the identified risk level.
The safety course is divided into 2 parts:
1. General basic training course in e-learning mode - duration: 4 hours
The course covers relevant topics on health and safety in the workplace, in compliance with Legislative Decree 81/08 and the State-Regions Agreement of 21 Dec. 2011, classified as General Training and is the first part of the mandatory training required by the relevant legislation.
The course consists of the study of training materials in e-learning mode. The estimated time for completion of the course is about four hours.
Various intermediate self-assessment tests are provided within and at the end of the lessons, and the course must be concluded by taking a final test held in person.
Students who need access to laboratories, field excursions at external facilities and the conduct of the in-person internship.
The course is open to all who already have a UniFi student number.
To enrol, log in with your credentials to the Moodle platform
Scheduled test dates are posted on the same online course page, and once the form is completed, one can access the test booking application through the date link.
Students already in possession of the certificate-because they attended the basic course in high school or in non-UNIFI facilities/universities - can request its recognition by sending a request with a copy of the certificate attached, and with the indication of the Study program they are enrolled in, to the following address: formazione.sicurezza(AT)
The School emails the certificate in the weeks following the test to the student’s institutional email address.
2. Training course for specific risks - duration: 12 hours
(Required only for students enrolled in specific study programs)
For the School of Humanities and Education, those enrolled in the following courses have been identified as exposed to specific risks during their internship or excavation activities:
Students on internships with external entities will take the specific hazards training course at those entities
For the Degree in Primary Education LM85bis class, the course will be taught in the school where the internship will take place.
Before enrolling, students must have taken the general basic training course.
Students already in possession of the certificate-because they attended the basic course in high school or in non-UNIFI facilities/universities - can request its recognition by sending a request with a copy of the certificate attached, and with the indication of the Study program they are enrolled in, to the following address: formazione.sicurezza(AT)
To register for the course, click on the following link:
Only active courses are displayed. If a course does not show up, it means it is not currently offered. The specific training course is conducted in streaming mode (currently implemented remotely in a virtual classroom).
At the end of the course, there is a test. A certification valid for 5 years throughout the country will be issued (unless the risk conditions related to the type of activity performed and the resulting risk profile change). The School emails the certificate in the weeks following the test to the student’s institutional email address.
2. Training course for specific risks - duration: 4 Hour
(Required only for specific internships)
Students conducting curricular internships at offices/facilities INSIDE the University, characterized by low-risk activities (video terminals, common risks).
The need to conduct the course must be reported to the Servizio Stage (Internship Service), which will indicate how to register.
At the end of the course, there is a test. A certification valid for 5 years throughout the country will be issued (unless the risk conditions related to the type of activity performed and the resulting risk profile change). The School emails the certificate in the weeks following the test to the student’s institutional email address
Further specifications
It is mandatory for all students who are found to be exposed to specific hazards (e.g., those related to excavation activities) to undergo health surveillance by the competent physician of the University of Florence. To this end, they are asked to contact the instructor in charge of the excavation/internship activity so that he or she can inform the Prevention and Protection Service of the names of the students who will participate in these activities.
Link to the Ateneo Sicuro portal
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